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In Memoriam Gerwyn Caradoc ap Glanmor Williams.

He created music, film scores, he had a vast knowledge and expertise in the field of arts and architecture, he was highly interested in history and politics, well-read and a good vis-a-vis for sparkish, peppery talk and controversy; as a musician he was driven to perform flawlessly and with ease, so would not rest until he had perfected the 'downstrokes only' hand for his RHONDDA RAMONES tribute act. He also was a good drinking companion, for you cannot drink with just anyone.

A very talented photographer/ film-maker, Gerwyn won prices, yet did not want to become part of a corrupted biz, rather went and cared for mentally ill people.
He was a remarkable, unique personality, modest in his ways, but sparkling with wit and intellectual brilliance.

His family and friends are devastated at his loss, although his fight against pancreatic cancer was a very painful one and lasted over two years, so finally - and this is the only kind of solace one can find here - Gerwyn's battle and suffering has come to its end and he is set free.

Knowing we shall meet again and share the love we had in our lifetime, we commemorate him and try best we can, to learn how to live with him on the other side of things, whilst doing everything to make his impact on our lives visible in our actions here.

Gerwyn Caradoc ap Glanmor Williams
Geboren am 05.05.1965
Gestorben am 09.02.2017

12.137 278 7

Zurueck zur Gedenkstaette Erstellt am 16.02.2017,
Erstellt von Nicole Haibach

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